Making The Climate Debate More Sustainable

Vice President of Advocacy, Madeline Wade discusses the significant factors surrounding climate policy and shares solutions on making the climate debate more successful.
3 Questions with Mae: OJ McFoy

Mae Stevens, Chair of Signal Water, hosts OJ McFoy, Manager of Buffalo Sewer Authority, to discuss the massive water infrastructure investments made in the IIJA, Buffalo’s innovative Rain Check initiative, and how water pros can best advocate for an equitable water future.
What I Learned During My First Year Helping Clients Tell Their Stories

Associate of Communications, Will Burdulis shares four key insights that are significant in communications and marketing.
What’s up with Water Infrastructure Policy in 2022?

Chair of Signal Water, Mae Stevens discusses recent accomplishments of the water industry and what to expect in water infrastructure policy in 2022.
Happy 5th Birthday to the Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act

Charles Cooper, Managing Director & Chair of Advocacy discusses the five-year anniversary of the Outdoor Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act of 2016.
7 Communications and Marketing Trends to Watch in 2022

Vice President of Communications Scott Lusk shares seven communications and marketing trends to expect in 2022