Mary Lieb is a communications professional with a background spanning the National Endowment for the Arts, U.S. House of Representatives, a boutique public affairs firm, and the Obama White House press office. Her expertise extends into engaging with constituent groups through innovative strategies and platforms, a passion she brings to Signal.
At the National Endowment for the Arts, Mary spearheaded communication efforts tied to the American Rescue Plan Act, lending support to creative communities nationwide. Her skills include translating complex policy into easily understandable information through graphic design, social media content creation, and extracting valuable insights.
As Press Secretary with the House Rules Committee, Mary honed her skills in managing dynamic social media content and amplifying Democratic voices in Congress. She distilled the rapidly changing legislative landscape to reporters and the public as the House navigated two impeachment proceedings, the COVID-19 pandemic, Congressional proxy voting, and day to day legislative proceedings.
Her career has also been shaped by experiences at Cogent Strategies, a public affairs firm, and the White House press office, where Mary experienced the significant role digital spaces played in announcing policy positions and connecting with the American people. Whether managing reporter inquiries and screening President Obama’s summer Spotify playlist or creating campaigns on behalf of clients to influence legislators, her career underscores the increasing convergence between government operations and digital media.
Mary has a master’s degree in political communication and bachelor’s degrees in advertising and communication studies from The University of Alabama.