• Avid fan of the Washington Capitals.
  • A former college lacrosse player, who now coaches.
  • Loves to listen to a good politics or sports podcast in his free time.

Jackson Parker Senior Associate

  • Avid fan of the Washington Capitals.
  • A former college lacrosse player, who now coaches.
  • Loves to listen to a good politics or sports podcast in his free time.

Jackson joined the Signal team in January 2022 as part of the internship program. Quickly impressing clients with his media relations and writing skills, he became a full-time team member after only a few months. As an Associate on the communications team, Jackson supports clients in the renewable energy and real estate sectors. Prior to coming to Signal, Jackson was a Public Affairs intern at Forbes Tate Partners and was a volunteer for the North Carolina Democratic Party during the 2020 campaign cycle where he conducted phone banking and campaign outreach.

He is a graduate of Elon University where he studied Political Science and Strategic Communications

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