• Lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., and enjoys attending Broadway performances whenever she can.
  • Growing up, she spent every summer in her parent’s home country of Peru, traveling the country, learning about the culture, and sometimes, even going to school with her cousins.

Alexa Velickovich Manager

  • Lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., and enjoys attending Broadway performances whenever she can.
  • Growing up, she spent every summer in her parent’s home country of Peru, traveling the country, learning about the culture, and sometimes, even going to school with her cousins.

Alexa Velickovich is a Communications Manager at Signal Group.

Prior to joining Signal, Alexa served as a Senior Content Executive at MATTIO Communications, writing press releases, articles, crisis communication statements, and more for a broad array of clients in the cannabis industry. Prior to that, Alexa worked at POLITICO, where she helped manage the day-to-day promotion of POLITICO, its journalism, products, and talent. She was also the co-creator and co-author of POLITI-Kids, a newsletter curated for the curious minds of younger POLITICOs.

Alexa earned her B.A. in Public Relations from the University of South Carolina, where she graduated with honors.


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