Signal Group Launches Signal Water, First and Only Public Affairs Practice Dedicated to Water

September 15, 2020

New public affairs practice will advocate for a smart and equitable clean water future


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WASHINGTON – Signal Group, a leader in modern public affairs, today launched Signal Water – the first practice of its kind and only fully integrated public affairs practice dedicated to the water sector.  Signal Water provides a suite of services to clients in the water infrastructure space, including government relations, strategic communications, digital, strategic advising, coalitions, regulatory, and equity and inclusion.
“For too long water has been overlooked because it is underground. It is out of sight and out of mind,” said Mae Stevens, Chair of Signal Water and Executive Vice President, Signal Group. “Something has got to change. Especially in these extraordinary times, with the pandemic, the recession, and the national reckoning on race, we need to rise to the challenge. We know that investing in our nation’s water infrastructure is an investment in our future—our people, health, and livelihoods—something the nation desperately needs right now. This practice’s exceptional team provides the holistic approach to public affairs necessary to turn the tide on the issues that matter most in the water space.”
Signal Water specializes in supporting clients who are shaping the debate around drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, and source water protection. With a bipartisan team that has decades of senior-level experience in water infrastructure, Signal Water represents the most trusted companies, coalitions, non-profits, and causes.
The practice group will be led by Chair Mae Stevens and will also include Patrice Willoughby, Managing Director & Head of Diversity and Inclusion; Rob Bole, Managing Director & Head of Digital; Blake Androff, Executive Vice President; Charlie Moskowitz, Executive Vice President; Madeline Wade, Vice President; and Ted Mondloch, Associate.
For more information, visit: or follow our Chair, Mae Stevens on Twitter and LinkedIn.