Reopening America: A Discussion with Stephen Moore, White House Economic Advisor

With more than 30 million unemployed and businesses shuttering due to the global pandemic, America is at a crossroads. The International Monetary Fund recently issued a stark warning that the world is facing its worst downturn since the Great Depression, while the U.S. economy shrank by 4.8% from January through March 2020. In these uncertain economic times, Signal Group executive Mark Duffy sat down for an exclusive discussion with Stephen Moore, a member of President Trump’s Economic Task Force to talk about “Reopening America.”

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The discussion continues in a conversation with Robert Shapiro, Chairman of Sonecon and former economic advisor to Presidents Clinton and Obama with Signal’s John Procter.
Stephen Moore is a Member of President Trump’s Economic Task Force and serves as an informal economic advisor to the White House. Mr. Moore is FreedomWorks’ chairman of their Task Force on Economic Revival.
In 2016, Mr. Moore served as a senior economic advisor to Donald J. Trump and he is the author of co-author of Trumponomics. Mr. Moore previously served as president of the Club for Growth, chief economist of the Heritage Foundation, and as a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board.
Mr. Moore holds a BA, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and an M.A., George Mason University.

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