Women, the Military and the 116th CongressThese female veteran representatives will be fighting to find legislative successes in an arena with large party issues and personalities in play.
116th Congress: Most Partisan in History Gridlock or Compromise?What to expect from a Democratic majority in the House, and what relationship will develop between House Democrats, Senate Republicans, and the Republican White House.
What to Watch For on Election NightThere will be significant implications over the next two years for policy, the 2020 election, and the President.
Crisis Communications 101 in the Digital AgeLes Moonves surely knows he has P.R. crisis on his hands. Most companies, however, come to realize they are mired in a crisis when it’s too late.
Press Release
Signal Group Hires Leading Healthcare Communications ExecutiveMichelle Baker to join the firm as an executive vice president. She will start in her new role on August 13, 2018.
Cellular Agriculture on the Meat AisleOne of the hot topics in DC these days is cellular agriculture. Now you may be asking yourself, “Why would I want meat that is grown in a laboratory?” The answers might surprise you.
The #Tacit Decline of TwitterAnguish in modern life seems inextricably tied to technology, and oftentimes I wonder what Solzhenitsyn would make of Twitter.
Air Traffic Control – Who Lost the Debate in Congress?The effort in Congress to modernize, reform, or privatize the Federal Aviation Administration (depending upon your viewpoint) is over for now.
Six Tips for PR Pros in Today’s Media World2017 turned conventional journalism on its head with the ever-hastening 24-hour news cycle, creating a rise in reporting from non-journalists and “fake news.”
Speed (lack of it) Kills on MobileYou have less than three seconds to reach our mobile audience (egad!). Make sure your website is up to the task.