Communicating the Value of Ideas
An integrated communications strategy is essential for all organizations, especially those that deal in ideas. Highly specialized companies - for example, those that trade in research and development, intellectual property, or patents - face unique communications challenges because they must build brand awareness and credibility for an expertise that not everyone understands.
For “idea” companies, straightforward and time-tested tactics should be key components of their communications plan.
Key messages about complex topics should be simple and jargon-free. High-level messages that are accessible and relatable to a wide audience of stakeholders and journalists can be supported by key technical points that demonstrate expertise of complex topics. Top communicators will craft foundation messages that connect esoteric topics to benefits that stakeholders will recognize.
Thought Leadership
Thought leadership programs allow leaders to demonstrate authority and influence within their industries. By fostering credibility for executives and key team members, companies that specialize in R&D, intellectual property, or patents can burnish their company’s reputation within and beyond its industry. Key elements to a successful thought leadership program include:
Media Relations
Media relations strategies should highlight business and technical milestones to maximize a company’s credibility and support specific business goals. “Idea” companies should take advantage of milestones like IP acquisitions, sales, key licensing agreements, patent grants and copyright registrations.
Companies should also work themselves into larger national stories. Companies should insert themselves into the current news cycle (known as “newsjacking)” because journalists are more open to story ideas that align with current headlines.
Search Engine Optimization
All companies should work to increase the quantity and quality of traffic from a search engine’s organic results, but this especially important for companies that depend on their innovation and technology credentials. Search engines consider a variety of factors that impact a website’s performance, including the relevance and usefulness of content, the number of hyperlinks and backlinks, and the site’s architecture (load speed, security, and usability). Improving these digital elements can lead to increased visibility. Simply put, better on-line visibility leads to increased brand awareness.
Reach out to Scott at to discuss your organization’s unique communications challenges. You can also follow him on LinkedIn.