Nation Branding: Nigeria

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Nigeria Forward

Signal’s program, “Nigeria Forward,” promoted visibility of recent private sector and multilateral FDI via events, a website and social media content, elite reporter interviews, and fresh content development.

Nigeria Forward case study Signal Group

The Challenge

The Government of Nigeria faced outdated understandings of the country’s economic, regulatory and social advances in recent years. The nation’s little-known status as a growing destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) and the largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa undermined broader economic and geopolitical objectives in Europe and North America.

The Solution

Signal was retained by the Nigerian Government’s Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister for the Economy to advance U.S. and European awareness of Nigeria’s recent economic and market growth and opportunity. Signal’s program, “Nigeria Forward,” promoted visibility of recent private sector and multilateral FDI via events, a website and social media content, elite reporter interviews, and fresh content development. Campaign ambassadors were recruited to represent a mix of elite government and business leaders in addition to emerging entrepreneurs, students, and cultural leaders. An example of Signal’s work leveraging those voices can be seen in the following economic development video.

Rapid response and crisis communications efforts were also managed, as needed, and in coordination with the Nigerian Embassy and ambassador in Washington, D.C.

Signal also orchestrated a series of one-on-one interviews and a press tour on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange during the United Nations General Assembly, including live interviews for former President Goodluck Jonathan, top government ministers, and Nigeria’s Ambassador to the U.S. with CNN, CNB, Fox Business, AP, Reuters, and others.


Nigeria Forward website
Nigeria Forward video from Signal Group Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala


  • Strategic Communications
  • Public Affairs
  • Crisis Communications
  • Media Relations
  • Video and Creative Services
  • Digital Strategy
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