Meridian Institute


Meridian Institute

The Meridian Institute’s Joint Ocean Commission Initiative (JOCI) brings together all sectors of the ocean community to catalyze action and monitor progress toward meaningful ocean policy reform. Their report, the bi-partisan Ocean Action Agenda, outlines a compelling set of recommendations to ensure the health and productivity of our oceans, coasts, & Great Lakes.

Ocean Action Agenda Case Study from Signal Group

The Challenge

Joint Ocean Commission Initiative (JOCI), a bipartisan, collaborative group of senior ocean leaders, wanted to create a digital-only version of their Ocean Action Agenda report to engage with legislators, media, and influencers.

The Solution

Signal created a digital version of the report that retained JOCI’s branding while providing new content and features. Signal presented a clean design and simple site navigation for visitors to move easily between content sections. The report’s design was structured to be mobile and tablet-friendly so that it could be presented to key stakeholders during meetings.

JOCI now has a dynamic resource to present their recommendations to leaders on how to protect and strengthen coastal communities and America’s oceans. No longer tied to a static print report with limited number of copies, the website can be updated at any time and is available to larger audiences.


Ocean Action Agenda website


  • Digital Strategy
  • Website design
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Digital Marketing Consulting
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