• Passionate about the human experience
  • Snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef
  • Loves to travel and create itineraries

Adiya Perkinson Creative Content Manager

  • Passionate about the human experience
  • Snorkeled in the Great Barrier Reef
  • Loves to travel and create itineraries
Stay Connected:

Adiya Perkinson is a forward-thinking content strategist with over seven years of experience leading content and campaign curation for diverse clients, including healthcare, government, community, and consumer brands. Her expertise lies in leveraging storytelling and evidence-based strategies to create timely and impactful experiences across various platforms.

She has worked as a social media coordinator for small businesses and nonprofits and directed creative projects for government agencies like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Her portfolio includes content audits, information architecture design, and user research, all aimed at delivering meaningful, user-centered content that aligns with business goals.

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