• Meg was named after 'Meg' from Little Women
  • In her free time, she sews used/discarded clothing into new, fashionable pieces.
  • Her other hobbies are playing violin, speaking French, and rock climbing.

Meg Fosha Manager

  • Meg was named after 'Meg' from Little Women
  • In her free time, she sews used/discarded clothing into new, fashionable pieces.
  • Her other hobbies are playing violin, speaking French, and rock climbing.
Stay Connected:

Meg has had a knack for public relations since the age of three when she participated in a promotional event with her mother for a national convenience store. She is passionate about the work she does, supporting various sustainability, veteran affairs, and advocacy clients to effectively communicate to their stakeholders and target audiences. Being able to integrate her passion for helping people and the planet into her professional life has been a dream come true. In addition to her full-time job as Senior Associate, Meg is a part-time Strategic Public Relations student within GW’s School of Political Management.

Prior to Signal, Meg worked as a video editor in Los Angeles creating content for small businesses, and she freelanced for various advertising and PR agencies on the side. When COVID-19 hit, she knew it was the right moment to go back to school and pursue a more mission-driven career that allowed her to use her writing as well as video-editing skills. Upon moving to D.C., Meg interned for a public affairs agency, as well as the State Department’s Bureau of Global Public Affairs.

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